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Reporter: Well, if they don‘t have any questions, I am going to ask, 'cause you proved that you can sing and you can act but still there’s a lot of people that treat you like an idol. How(应该是What) do you think about that?


What do you think about/of...?

How do you think about that? 来自中文翻译:你是怎么看这件事的?但是这句话是错的,这里的How要用What。


What did you think of the film?

What was the film like?


How was the film?

How did you feel about the film? 偏重于某人的直觉或情绪

(对比:What do you think of the film? 偏重于理性的看法或判断)

How did the film make you feel?

How did you like the film?


Leslie: Well ´cause I’ve been in this show business for such a long time, you know, like over 20 years, I mean people treating me like an idol was like 15 years ago. I mean, you can’t change their thinking. I mean, I don’t really want to be just an idol, I want to be an actor, a serious actor or a serious singer or performer. And well I’ve been proving something, over the years. You know I have received plenty of awards from both acting and singing careers, so I mean, I’m contented(考考你:反义词是什么?), and (have) nothing to blame.


Reporter: Now that“ Red Lovers" is almost finished, and are you satisfied with the character that you portrayed in the movie ´cause it‘s a role that, which is quite different from the other roles that you‘ve played before, it‘s a communist. How do(did) you understand a communist before you started the show?


Leslie: I know nothing about Communists. You know ,as a Hongkonger, you know I don‘t really touch on politics and especially as an artist, I mean, usually we don‘t touch on politics. I mean of course i support my own country and I only count myself as a total Chinese. But ,I mean, to become a Communist for that simply three months, I mean, in Shanghai with the director, I mean, I really only relied on him because i know nothing about Communism and we worked very, very well together and I‘m looking very much forward to have(应该是having) another go (短语have a go:尝试) with him.


touch on谈及;触及

look forward to something/doing something

注意原句的look foward to do something应该是口误。

Reporter: Are you satisfied with your own performance in that movie?


Leslie: I can’t say I’m satisfied because, you know, I’m quite incontent(应该是malcontent) in some way. I mean I’m always asking for more but this is really a very good start to work with a new director, I mean, to work with Ye Da Ying. Because this is our first time and I enjoyed working with him and we shared some very good moments and we have some common interests, as well as (we have去掉) conflicts. But that’s what we’re all required to have. I mean, for being an artist and a director, I mean, we should have something to bring up(提出来讨论) for both of us so that we can have more inspiration. And this time I think we worked really well and it’s going to be quite a wonderful movie. 



content和contented都可以做形容词:满足的,但是要注意的“不满足的”不是incontented,而是discontented(带点消极的)或malcontent(不轻易满足的,甚至追求完美的)  顺便再学两个名词:discontent。

Reporter: You have been working with several chinese directors I mean from the mainland, so do you notice any difference between them, I mean, Chen Kaige and Ye Daying?


Leslie: They‘re all different. I mean you shouldn‘t compare somebody with somebody. I mean they were very different. I mean Kaige used to be very powerful, very precise and sometimes arrogant on set and Daying is also very talented, but very kind in a way, so i mean anyway I haven‘t seen the end thing, i mean the end product, so i can‘t give any comments about this movie yet. But I saw the rations and I liked it, I liked it a lot.


Reporter: And I was... (I) heard that your childhood is was not so happy. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to answer that question, so, but how could you have such a bright career? You know, if someone’s childhood is so unpleasant, unhappy, I think it will usually make people (a person) feel depressed when he grows (they grow) up, then how do(did) you do that? You know you really did a good job in your career both as a singer and a movie actor.


Leslie: I mean there are only two ways. One, you had a broken childhood, I mean, one is you can be just like, you know, go... went wild, you know like very rebellious(反叛的) or on the other hand you have to struggle for your own living. I mean, I chose the second one, I mean, which I think is going to be better for my own life or whatsoever, And I‘ve struggled all the time, you know, I try hard on everything and I work hard on everything and that‘s how I made it. I mean now I make movies, I record songs for all the people and they like me and in return I like them. And I enjoy my career, And it‘s very worthwhile, and on the other hand I make money out of it.


made it获得成功;准时到达等

Reporter: That‘s true, so what do you think you are first as a singer or an actor?


Leslie: It comes to me like at the same time because you know actually I was picked during one of their song contests a long time ago, I don’t want to mention how long was it. But then deliberately I mean I was being chosen by a TV company and signed up with them and then started both as a singer and as an actor.


Reporter: You once announced that you retired from the stage in the early 90s and then you come back to the stage. Did you have any pressure when you made such kind of decision? You know because a lot of new singers and new actors they emerged quickly and you got yes you got your fans but maybe they‘re going to support someone else.


Leslie: Don’t mention the word: comeback (复出), I hated it. I mean this is calling (called) my return. And I don’t really care what about I mean how old I was. What they were thinking or maybe they think Leslie is the past or whatsoever. But it’s been proven you know that through my movies you know box office-wise and my concerts box office-wise it’s still a guarantee, so I mean maybe I’m a very lucky person you know I’m, my fans still support me all the time over the years, so I have no pressure on it and everybody knows that right now I’m doing like a semi-retired job. I mean I don’t really care much about, you know, what (that) people count on(信任) me or think about me. I’m just doing the things that I really want to do, I like to do and I’m not giving any TV shows or whatsoever in Hong Kong and actually this is really an exceptional case because I didn’t even go to the radio station for an interview in Hong Kong. I mean, I’m doing a very carefree job right now so I’m, that’s the way it will be.



注意原句的look foward to do something应该是口误。

Reporter: Does that mean that you‘re going to have more albums and more movies to make if you like?


Leslie: Hopefully, I mean yes, there are still many offers but you know, you never know I mean it’s a cruel world and I’m aging, everybody knows. But still of course I’m quite young look (looking) and young at heart (人老心不老) but you know maybe people think that, "Oh, he’s getting too old to become an idol," but which in fact I don’t want to be an idol anymore. I mean for the past five or ten years I mean I’ve gone through that kind of stage I don’t want to make a fuss out of (小题大做) it you know like asking my fan club to come and get me and receive me at the airport or whatsoever. I don’t do that kind of things. And so I’m more into, like you know, I like to do some really serious thing, like you know, good movies, good recordings, and then maybe some days later I want to be a director. This is one of my wish (wishes) and I hope my wish can come true.


张国荣的英文歌“Thank you”


There's a peaceful easy feeling


Blowing softly through the trees


Which welcomes in the morning light


That shines for me to see


And it takes me past my sorrow


And keeps me from the rain


For all these things


I'd like to thank you once again


There's a stairway in the mountains


And it leads up to the stars


And stars can move the clouds away


And keep me from the dark


And when I feel alone and lost


They'll show me the way


For all these things


I'd like to thank you once again


We seldom stop to think that


We have travelled very far


Seen and heard a million things


even wished upon a star


Cared for all the close friends


Who have passed along the way


For all these things and more


Thank you once again


Thank you for the love


That's right here in this song


Thank you for my dreams


For everything life has given me








~ 来自百度语音合成的隔空对话


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